Data and Tools to Counter Terrorism

Security by Design handbook

Download here. The handbook introduces the innovative concept of security by design by promoting together with the protection aspect also a practical implementation in the design and redesign of public spaces. It was drafted by a broad range of experts in the security field coming from the European Commission and the academia. This book aims at addressing the practical concerns of integrating security measures for project teams, security operators, urban planners and anyone involved in public space projects.

The book is providing information on terrorism risk assessment, project planning, management and proposing innovative technical solutions for the protection of public spaces against terrorist attacks. Security by design is built upon the principles of proportionality, multi-functionality, sustainability, accessibility and aesthetics. Security by design is the complete opposite of the creation of urban fortresses.

This book is published by the European Commission Joint Research Centre together with the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs and is a contribution to the counterterrorism agenda in the field of protection of public spaces.

The handbook contains a set of relevant factual information and expert advice. It aims to help address practical concerns of integrating security measures for project teams, security operators, urban planners and anyone involved in public space projects. It will help readers answer questions whether and, if yes, to what extent they may wish to implement protective solutions through design.

Would you like to know more in just 3 minutes? Watch the interview with Dr. Martin Larcher here below:

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