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Data and Tools to Counter Terrorism

ISO 22343 on Vehicle Security Barriers

In September 2023 the two parts of ISO 22343 - Security and Resilience - Vehicle Security Barriers were published.

Previous arrangements, like for example the workshop agreements IWA 14 (-1 and -2) that specify the impact test method, performance criteria, and application details for vehicle security barriers (VSBs), has now been superseded by the ISO 22343 standard. After a couple of months, the JRC, in collaboration with its Danish partner SikkerhedsBranchen, organised an online workshop to exchange on this new standard and collect stakeholder feedback. This online workshop was held in English and addressed aspects from both parts of the standard:

Mr. K. Skov-Mikkelsen, Director of SikkerhedsBranchen, the Danish Association for Safety and Security, who was actively involved in the creation of the standard, shared his experience on the subject. In case you were not able to attend, you are interested in the subject or would like to review and deepen some of the aspects, you may access the online recording of the workshop here.